Gulibaikeremu Abulimiti, Ahmadjan Muhammadhaji, Rouzimaimaiti Mahemuti, Azhar Halik, On a three species ratio-dependent Lotka-Volterra cooperative system with delays, Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 16, pp. 1-11

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DOI: 10.23952/jnfa.2021.16

Received March 4, 2021; Accepted May 10, 2021; Published May 24, 2021

Abstract. A class of non-autonomous three species Lotka-Volterra cooperative system with ratio-dependent functional responses and delays is discussed. A set of easily verifiable new sufficient conditions on the permanence, the existence of positive periodic solutions, and the global attractivity of the system are established by using the comparison method, and the construction of Lyapunov functions. Finally, a numerical simulation is given to verify the effectiveness of the obtained results.


How to Cite this Article:
Gulibaikeremu Abulimiti, Ahmadjan Muhammadhaji, Rouzimaimaiti Mahemuti, Azhar Halik, On a three species ratio-dependent Lotka-Volterra cooperative system with delays, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 16, pp. 1-11.