Benharrat Belaidi, Mohammed Amin Abdellaoui, On the value distribution theory of differential polynomials in the unit disc, 2016 (2016), Article ID 16 (5 April 2016)

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In this paper, we investigate the relationship between small functions and non-homogeneous differential polynomials g_k=d_k(z)f^{(k)}+\cdots +d_1(z) f^{\prime}+d_0(z) f+b(z), where d_0(z), d_1(z), \cdots, d_k(z) and b(z) are finite [p,q]-order meromorphic functions in the unit disc \Delta and k\geq 2 is an integer, which are not all equal to zero generated by the complex higher order non-homogeneous linear differential equation f^{(k)}+A_{k-1}(z) f^{(k-1) } +\cdots +A_1( z) f^{\prime} +A_{0}(z) f =F, for (k\geq 2) , where A_{0}(z), A_1(z),\cdots,A_{k-1}(z) are finite [p,q]-order meromorphic functions inĀ  unit disc \Delta.


How to Cite this Article:

Benharrat Belaidi, Mohammed Amin Abdellaoui, On the value distribution theory of differential polynomials in the unit disc, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis 2016 (2016), Article ID 16.